The Albemarle Chapter, NSDAR,
welcomes you!
Why join the Albemarle Chapter, NSDAR?
“My great-grandmother was in DAR, so it was always something I knew about. But it was not until recently that I started thinking about the meaning of patriotism and democracy. DAR has been a wonderful way to bring those thoughts into real life and make some DARling new friends.”
— Jane
“I was taught to love genealogy by my father whose family did not have a Revolutionary Patriot. A neighbor asked me about joining DAR since I liked genealogy, and I found a Patriot on my mother’s side. What wonderful friends I have made, and I also love service projects that help.”
— Nancy
“I joined DAR shortly after 9/11 because I wanted to be in a patriotic service organization that helped our veterans.”
— Carroll
“God, Home, and Country”
— National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Motto